C-935 Recorder

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 C-935 is a multiple range recorder.

6-inch single pen skeleton recorder, multi-range, no probe, red ink pen, +12VDC, no battery back-up, no alarm relays (color is white, R27-67 wire harness). Comes with one box of charts (if available).

** Please be advised that the assembly of a customized recorder can take up to 5 business days to create. Recorders that are instock are generally shipped within 2-3 business days. You will receive an email to confirm the estimated ship date.

Eight pre-programmed chart ranges/speeds as follows:  
  • Range #1: 7 Day, -40 to +30 degrees Celsius, C7-40+30-6 (R18-011)
  • Range #2 :7 Day, 0 to +60 degrees Celsius, C7-60-0-6 (R18-190)
  • Range #3: 7 Day, -100 to +38 degrees Celsius, C7-100+38-6 (R18-219)
  • Range #4 :7 Day, -5 to +50 degrees Celsius (chart not currently available)
  • Range #5 :7 Day, 0 to +100 degrees Celsius, C7-100-0-6 (R18-162)
  • Range #6: 7 Day, -200 to -100 degrees Celsius, (chart not currently available)
  • Range #7: 7 Day, -115 to +50 degrees Celsius C7-115-50-6 (R18-028)
  • Range #8: 7 Day, -10 to +70 degrees Celsius, C7-70-10-6 (R18-010)